Stay tuned for our next Intensive 50HR Aerial Teacher Training!


Get certified in just one week with our intensive 50-Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training.

Om Factory has been at the forefront of Aerial Yoga training for almost TWO decades

— join us next year & train with the BEST!

program overview

OFSY's Aerial Yoga Teacher Training (AYTT) is intended to give Certified Yoga Teachers the necessary tools to lead safe, intelligent and dynamic Aerial Yoga classes. Dedicated students looking to deepen their knowledge and take their practice to a new level are also welcome to participate. 


Om Factory's particular style of Aerial Yoga was developed over several years by its Core Aerial Faculty and continues to be shaped by our aerial community. It is heavily rooted in and inspired by a traditional yoga practice. Despite the eye-catching glitz of circus-inspired acrobatics, yoga is our meat & potatoes; circus is dessert.


OFSY AYTT is always headed by two Lead Instructors with the support of additional guest teachers from our Core Faculty. Our intention is to introduce participants to varied perspectives and teaching styles. We are not looking to produce clones of our faculty; rather, our aim is to empower trainees to find their own unique methodology.


Graduation requirements include alert & present attendance at all in-class hours of training, as well as satisfactory completion of a practical teaching exam and written test on the final day of the course. Within two weeks of completing the course, all trainees must submit two final projects before receiving their certification. Students who miss training hours, fail a test, or turn in final projects late will be required to pay an additional fee in order to be evaluated and considered for certification.


Aerial Asana

Aerial Alignment

Embodied Anatomy

Philosophy of Flight

Teaching Skills

Sequencing 101



   Assists & Adjustments

Rigging & Safety


Kevin Bigger

Kristina Cubrilo

Amanda McDonald

Janie Prince

Kristin Corayer 


*Guest faculty is subject to change.

Aytt benefits

• 10-Class Aerial Yoga Pack. A $385 value.

• OFSY Aerial Yoga Teacher Training manual. 300+ pages. Includes over 160

  Aerial Yoga & Cirque poses, plus embodied anatomy, teaching skills & much more.

• OFSY Anatomy manual. A detailed, full-color guide to the human body.

• Sample Aerial Sequences. Inspiration for new instructors.

• OFSY Online Video Library Access. 

   A treasure-trove of videos breaking down basic & advanced aerial acrobatics.

• Certificate of Completion from OFSY Aerial Teacher Training. 

For more information about our Aerial Yoga Teacher Training program, contact us at

upcoming aerial yoga trainings

50-Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Intensive  /  TBD 2024

TBD Winter 2024

One-Week Intensive

Sunday: 1:30-5:30pm

Monday - Friday: 8am-5:30pm

Saturday: 3-9pm



Janie Prince

Early Bird:  $2200 (by TBD)  /  Full Tuition:  $2500 

$20 application fee  /  $500 deposit on acceptance

Deposit & tuition non-refundable 1-month prior to training. 


Om Factory Aerial Yoga 10-Class Pack

included with paid tuition — a $420 value!


*Om Factory can occasionally offer partial work-study scholarships or other financial assistance for Aerial Yoga Teacher Training. Contact for more info.

aerial yoga TT faculty

Kevin Bigger
Kevin Bigger
Kristin Corayer
Kristin Corayer
Kristina Cubrilo Santos
Kristina Cubrilo
Amanda McDonald
Amanda McDonald
Janie Prince
Janie Prince

If you have questions about our Aerial Yoga Teacher Training programs, contact us at